Hugh James x Activ People HR

Welcome to a smarter, more efficient HR software that helps you easily manage your HR tasks. Our modular design allows you to choose only the features you need to streamline your HR operations and tailor them to your organisation’s unique needs.

Whether you’re an HR professional, business owner, or manager, our software is designed to simplify your workload and streamline your processes.

About Our Products

Effectively managing employee absences is essential for any organisation to maintain productivity and minimise the costs associated with absenteeism.

Activ Absence provides a comprehensive solution that allows you to accurately record and manage employee absences, identify patterns, and create reports to gain insights into absence trends. With Activ Absence, you can streamline the leave request process, easily approve, or deny requests, and monitor remaining entitlements.

Our intuitive system is designed to simplify absence management, enabling your HR team to focus on more critical tasks, such as improving workforce productivity and reducing costs associated with absenteeism.

Learn More on Activ Absence

Performance management is critical for any organisation to maximise employee potential, improve productivity, and achieve business goals.

Activ Appraisals offers a comprehensive performance management solution that simplifies the process of setting and tracking employee goals, conducting appraisals, and identifying areas for improvement.

Our software allows you to easily align individual goals with your organisation's objectives, track progress, and give feedback throughout the year.

With Activ Appraisals, you can streamline your performance review process, and empower managers to have meaningful conversations with their teams.

Learn More on Activ Appraisals

Many organisations have employees working in atypical arrangements, such as flexible hours, remote work, and shift work. Activ Timesheets offers a comprehensive solution for managing atypical working arrangements, simplifying the process of tracking hours, managing schedules, and staying compliant with regulations.

Our software allows you to easily track hours worked, including overtime and absences, and create reports to monitor productivity and labour costs.

With Activ Timesheets, you can streamline your time-tracking process, and ensure that your team is accurately compensated for the time they work.

Learn More on Activ Timesheets

Activ Handbook provides a comprehensive solution for managing change in the workplace. It enables your business to easily create and distribute handbook documents to employees, where they can then be signed and acknowledged.

With Activ Handbook, you can streamline your change management process and empower your team to drive successful change initiatives.

Learn More on Activ Handbook

Our comprehensive training solution ensures that your employees have the necessary training and certifications on record, helping you stay compliant with industry regulations and best practices.

With our automated reminders, you can rest assured that employee training records are always up-to-date and that your team is trained to the highest standards.

Our user-friendly system ensures that your HR team can focus on what matters most - improving compliance and best practices across your organisation, reducing risks, and increasing efficiency.

Learn More on Activ Training

Activ Documents provides administrators with access to an employee documents library that stores confidential employee documents and records securely off-site. This ensures that sensitive information is kept confidential and accessible only to authorised personnel.

Our software enables you to easily create and track investigation reports, store relevant documents, and manage disciplinary actions, ensuring that all procedures are followed consistently and fairly.

With Activ Documents, you can streamline your investigation process, and ensure that all employees are treated fairly and respectfully.

Learn More on Activ Documents

Our platform can help you optimise your HR operations and empower your workforce.

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